Monday, June 23, 2014

Last week of June "100" Fitness Challenge!

Last week of June - the last 3 "100" challenges!!

Monday & Thursday - 100 one-legged kicks - 50 on each side.
Tuesday & Friday - 100 Hundreds (two options shown below).
Wednesday & Saturday - 100 Plank Punches (each punch is one).

Go for it!!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

June Fitness Challenge: Week 2! (out of order - sorry)

Monday & Thursday = 100 squat jumps

Tuesday & Friday = 100 rows (50 per arm if you do them with a weight)

Wednesday & Saturday = 100 seconds of a low plank

Go for it! Remember - you can break it up. If you can't do 100 seconds of a plank, do 20 at a time, or whatever level you can do.

June Fitness Challenge: Week 3!

Week Three of June = 3 new "100" challenges!

Monday & Thursday - 100 seconds of a wall squat. If this isn't challenging enough, try one legged squats as shown below - 50 seconds on each leg.

Tuesday & Friday - 100 plank walks - down and up equals one . A good idea to do 10 leading with the left arm and then 10 with the right arm, etc.

Wednesday & Saturday - 100 butterfly situps.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

June Fitness Challenge!

Welcome to June! This month's challenge is a 30-Day Full-Body Fitness Challenge. Each week you will do three different exercises on two days of the week.

Monday & Thursday = 100 push-ups...yes!! BUT you don't have to do them all at once. Break it up and do 4 sets of 25 throughout the day or however you want to do it. Try to do full body push-ups and see how many you can do before going to your knees if needed.

Tuesday & Friday = 100 squats. Again, you can break these up into 4 sets of 25 or two sets of 50. Make sure you keep your knees behind your toes - you should be able to see the toes of your shoes when you squat. Squat don't bend - act like you are about to sit down in a chair.

Wednesday & Saturday = 100 crunches. Hands light behind your head - don't pull on your neck. If your neck gets tired, take a break. Another tip to help keep the pressure off your neck - press your tongue against the roof of your mouth. Also, keep your lower back ON THE FLOOR.

Go for it! Next week there will be three different exercises.