Monday, March 11, 2013

Today's Tip: What are the 3 Worst Foods you can eat?

Did you know that within your gut reside more than 100 TRILLION living bacteria that control many aspects of your health?  We need these bacteria but unfortunately, due to things like the ingestion of artificial sweeteners (found in diet beverages and food products) that kill off the healthy bacteria, many people have created a massive and very dangerous bacterial imbalance in their body.

But it doesn't just stop with diet beverages and artificial sweeteners. There are three foods I want to highlight this week that can do serious damage to your belly and your immune system, all while destroying your overall health and dramatically slowing your fat loss to boot...something none of us would ever want to do!

So here goes...the first of the worst:

1. Sugar. We all know sugar is bad news for fat loss and insulin levels; in fact, excessive sugar intake can and often will result in insulin resistance and type 2 laughing matter there. But what most people don't realize is that sugar acts as a fertilizer for the "bad", health-destroying bacteria in your gut.

Yes, that's right...every time you eat sugar (added by the truckload into snacks, cereals, desserts, juice, sodas, teas, and a host of other food and beverage items), the infectious, pathogenic baceteria in your belly feed on it, multiply, and spread further throughout your intestinal walls, wreaking havoc on your entire body, and your health.

If you ever want to achieve optimal health and your ideal body, limit your sugar intake, plain and simple.  I've never been one to recommend cutting any food completely from your diet, and so please note that I am saying to limit your sugar intake.  I love to bake and yes, I will use sugar when needed.  But it will be on a limited basis - and I will work on modifying recipes and using alternative ingredients to cut back on sugar.  Just take some time this week to read food labels to be better informed on how much sugar you are taking in and make some modifications where you are able.

Sound harsh?  Maybe.  But cutting a little bit out every week will help your body continue to work its way to a better place!

Source: Isabel De Los Rios & Beyond Diet

1 comment:

  1. I found a cookbook called Sugar Free Wholesome Cooking last summer. Instead of sugar to sweeten foods, it uses honey, maple syrup and molasses, to name a few. It also uses whole grains. There's a recipe for Natural Tollhouse cookies which I really like. It has whole wheat flour, coconut, pecans, butter and honey. I also put in mini chocolate chips. Very yummy.
