Saturday, February 14, 2015

A Great Workout for Leaner Legs & Defined Arms...along with a Cardio Burst!

Leaner Legs/Cardio Burst/Arm Definers

All exercises 45 seconds; 15 second rest

Squat/Side Squat/Squat
Drop Squat Jumps (no weight – start with feet together and then drop into a low sumo squat – toes turned slightly out)
Around the World Lunge (lunge forward, side, back – 4 each side total)
No weights Deadlift
Pulse Lunges (step forward into a lunge with one leg, hold that position & pulse for 20 secs; switch sides)
Side Lunge with Rotation

Jump Rope
Jump Wood Chops (hold weight above head, feet together; jump legs out wide, bringing weight in-between legs)
Screamer Lunges
2 Feet Lateral Hops in Place
Jumping Jacks with front kicks

Tricep Pushups (on knees or on wall) OR Tricep press (4 lb weights)
Band Bicep curls with one leg up
Single Leg Shoulder T’s – 3lb weights
Trap Push-Ups (left hand at 11 o’clock, right hand at 3 o’clock – do 5 push-ups; switch sides. Repeat until time is up)
Burpee to Shoulder Press (6lb weights)
 Alternating High/Low planks every 10 seconds

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Today's Tip: Reevaluating your Resolutions!

Whether you call them goals or resolutions, you've had a little over a month to make changes, work on a new lifestyle or check a few things off your to-do list.  How are you doing?  I recently received an email from that had some great points in it about goals and resolutions so I thought I'd put a few of them in this tip.  I added a few things from my perspective and hope this will either get you back or keep you on track!

Step 1: Reevaluate Your Goal. Unreasonable resolutions can actually set us up for failure. They make it very easy to get discouraged and give up early on. For example, if you resolved to eat only all-natural foods in the New Year, but then you slipped at a dinner out with friends, you might be tempted to throw in the towel entirely. Instead, revise your resolution, and focus on eating fewer processed items and more natural food.

Step 2: Identify the Culprits. Getting back on track can be really overwhelming if you're not sure exactly where or why you went off track. Here are some common offenders, plus easy fixes...

* Too tired to cook a healthy meal at the end of the day, and find yourself turning to bad choices? Fill your fridge with make-ahead meals whipped up on the weekend, or if your weekends are too busy to prepare a whole meal, at least make time to brown up some ground beef or cook a few chicken breasts in the oven.  Just putting some meat in a marinade to cook later in the week is a good start! There are a lot of crock pot and quick, healthy recipes on my blog - just do a search and see what you can find!

 * Is snacking on the wrong stuff your biggest problem? Keep healthy snacks on hand when you're at work or running the kids around to their afternoon activities.  I'll post a list of healthy snacks this week!  Keep emergency snacks in the car or in your purse so you always have a smart choice handy - small Kashi granola bars are an easy one. Try not to bring your trigger foods into your home - you know what those are! And if family members insist on stocking treats that don't work with your resolution, stock your own swaps. So if you're tempted by their fatty potato chips, break out the Popchips!

* Not sure where you're going wrong? Little bites here and there could be adding up without your noticing. Effective immediately, write down everything you eat; calorie counts too. Once you get into a rhythm, it'll be like second nature. There are phone apps and food journals to help you, or you can do what I do: Just jot everything down on a piece of scrap paper, and keep it in your purse. Review your food log at the end of day, and you're likely to spot the sneaky culprits. I have a food log sheet you can print off and use - just email me and let me know if you want one!  I'll even review it for you if you'd like and give you some honest feedback.

Step 3: Put Yourself Back on Track. As in NOW. It's sooooo easy to say you'll start again tomorrow... or next Monday... or after Valentine's Day... Next thing you know, that 2015 resolution becomes your 2016 resolution. You don't need a New Year to have a new start -- you can get back on the eat-better bandwagon this very minute. And if you have a slip tomorrow, oh well! Just get right back into your smart-eating habits. And give yourself a break!  You don't have to follow every goal or resolution your best and forget the rest.  And remember: every day is a new day and every meal is a new meal!