Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Today's Tip: Keeping Avocadoes Green! And a Guacamole recipe you'll love...

Growing up I was never a fan of avocados.  I just didn't care for the taste or texture, not to mention that in Dalhart, Texas there weren't a plethora of this particular food at the local IGA! However, as I learned more about nutrition as an adult, I realized the HUGE benefit of avocados, and they now have become a staple in my diet.  

So you hear all the time how avocados contain one of the best flab-fighting fats, but because of it's dense nature, you really shouldn't eat an entire avocado in one sitting. Really, just 1/2 of this fruit (yes, it's technically a fruit) a day is ample. So then the question becomes, how do you keep that leftover avocado from turning brown?

Other than adding a little lemon juice and keeping the seed in the container where I store my leftover avocado, I really didn't know any great tips.  So I looked up some information from a trainer that I follow, and here's what I learned!

First I learned exactly why avocados turn brown.  Like apples or potatoes, they oxidize when exposed to air.  Good to know.  So basically once you cut into an avocado, you'll never be able to completely stop the oxidation process. However!  I learned that you can dramatically slow it with a few quick tips and tricks:

1. Cut the avocado with a ceramic or plastic knife.  Metal actually accelerates the oxidation process. (I've always used a metal knife so good tip #1.)

2. Try lemon or lime juice. Citric acid is a powerful antioxidant; rub a little juice around the exposed flesh and you'll significantly delay the browning effect. (I got that one right!)

3. No lemon or lime? Use oil. Oil is another great buffer to oxygen. Use in place of lemon or lime juice when you don't have any handy. (Another good tip - hadn't thought of that one.)

4. Store as air-tight as possible. Again, avocados turn brown due to oxidation and exposure to air, so storing in an air-tight container only makes sense. (I usually do that so another point for me.)

5. Water. Huh? That's right! This one works exceptionally well for guacamole. Place your leftover guac in a plastic container and press down to remove any air pockets. Add a half inch of water on top and seal with an air-tight lid. The water creates a barrier between the avocado and the air, keeping your guacamole fresh and 100% green for 24 hours or more!  When ready to eat some more, just drain the excess water and enjoy.  Works like a charm! (I'll have to try this one - hmmm...)

So there you go!  A few tips to help keep that avocado a nice green color, as opposed to the yucky brown that often greets me the next day when I open the container.  And if you are looking for a great guacamole recipe, try this one.  It's simple, easy to prepare and really, really good!

(from the Ultimate Southern Living Cookbook)

3 ripe avocados
1/2 cup chopped tomato
2 Tbl finely chopped onion
1 jalapeno pepper, chopped (I usually use about half the seeds)
1 T lemon or lime juice
1 tsp sea salt
freshly ground black pepper
Chopped cilantro (optional)

Cut each avocado in half, remove seed. Scoop out avocado pulp into a large bowl. Mash to desired consistency. Add chopped tomato and next 4 ingredients to bowl; stir until avocado mixture is blended. Top with black pepper and cilantro, if using. Chill for a couple of hours or serve right away.

Makes 2 1/2 cups.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Today's Tip: Goal Check!

We are nearing the end of January so I thought it was a good time to remind you to do a "goal check"!  Hopefully you took time to set some goals or resolutions at the first of the year, but goals are only good if you keep them in front of you and put some effort into the steps toward achieving them.

If you haven't made any goals for 2015, it's not too late!  Think through what you want to accomplish and where you want to be in the next few months.  If you did jot down some goals, go back to them TODAY and see how you are doing.  Pat yourself on the back a bit if you are making progress!  Or maybe you need to pull yourself back on track if you haven't done what you wanted to do this month.  But most importantly, DON'T get down on yourself if you haven't made any progress.

I went back to my 2015 goal list last night and realized I have some work to do!  I've done some good things, but at the same time I let a few other things slide.  No big deal...I regrouped, set them out in front of me and put them top of mind again.  Maybe you need to do the same thing!

This week on the blog I'll be posting some nutrition tips and a couple of recipes.  And if there's ever something you want to see on the blog, let me know!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Today's Tip: Reminders and sign-up info for the Core Living Healthy Lifestyle Challenge!

There's still time to sign up for the Challenge!!  I am really excited to see how many of you have signed up and are ready to take your fitness to the next level. 

Here are the reminders, and a few clarifications!

What it is:
A 60-day challenge that will help get your year off to a great start.  Participants will set goals and receive weekly email reminders of their progress and tracking information.  And it's not a "weight-loss" program!  It's a Healthy Lifestyle Challenge so you will receive points for many things related to a healthy lifestyle - not just weight.

What are the dates?
January 19-March 19 with sign-ups beginning January 12!

Do I have to be a Core Living client to participate?
No!  This program is open to anyone.  It doesn't even matter where you live - I wanted to set this up where anyone can participate if they would like.  I trust that anyone who participates will be honest, forthright and trustworthy with their tracking!

Is there a cost?
Yes, it is $25 per participant.  I want you to invest in this program for a couple of reasons.  First, there is an incentive of cash, prizes and free nutrition sessions.  Everyone will receive weekly emails that include tracking of your goals and a report of your progress!

How to sign-up:
You email or text me and let me know you are ready to sign up.  We arrange for payment and you will receive an email link to set up your account on Friday, January 16.  You'll need to enter your information there and set your first weigh-in for Monday, January 19!

What is involved:
Each week you will receive an email reminding you to weigh-in and to email me with a report of your points for the past 7 days!  You can weigh-in here at my studio, at your own gym or on your home scale.  You can also log into the site at any time to see your progress, create a group with other users or even create a team to compete against other teams in the program!

How do I get points?:
Each week you will receive one point for...
- Every day that you drank 80+ ounces of water (just plain water!!)
- Each night that you got at least 7 hours of sleep
- Every day that you kept a food log for me
- Each pound lost

You will receive 5 Bonus Points for...
- Accomplishing all 4 of the above list!

You can also receive one point for...
- a Chiropractic adjustment
- Mammogram or physical at the doctor
- Running an extra mile after a workout :)

You will receive two points for...
- Each workout you did during the week - you'll provide details about what day, how long it was and what you did for the workout (i.e., ran 3 miles; did strength training; yoga; etc.)

Points must be reported to me weekly - you will receive an email reminder of the deadline. I will keep points tallied weekly throughout the program and prizes will be awarded to the top achievers...and to those who are the most consistent in their workouts, points tracking and participation!

Questions?  Email me at jj_niemann@hotmail.com or call/text 316-371-9020.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Today's Tip: Ready to join the Core Living Healthy Lifestyle Challenge?

It's time for the Core Living Healthy Lifestyle Challenge!! 

What it is:
A 60-day challenge that will help get your year off to a great start.  Participants will set goals and receive weekly email reminders of their progress and tracking information.  And it's not a "weight-loss" program!  It's a Healthy Lifestyle Challenge so you will receive points for many things related to a healthy lifestyle - not just weight.

What are the dates?
January 19-March 19 with sign-ups beginning January 12!

Do I have to be a Core Living client to participate?
No!  This program is open to anyone.  It doesn't even matter where you live - I wanted to set this up where anyone can participate if they would like.  I trust that anyone who participates will be honest, forthright and trustworthy with their tracking!

Is there a cost?
Yes, it is $25 per participant.  I want you to invest in this program for a couple of reasons.  First, there is an incentive of cash, prizes and free nutrition sessions.  Everyone will receive weekly emails that include tracking of your goals and a report of your progress!

How to sign-up:
You email or text me and let me know you are ready to sign up.  We arrange for payment and you will receive an email link to set up your account.

What is involved:
Each week you will receive an email reminding you to weigh-in and to email me with a report of your points for the past 7 days!  You can weigh-in here at my studio, at your own gym or on your home scale.  You can also log into the site at any time to see your progress, create a group with other users or even create a team to compete against other teams in the program!

How do I get points?:
You will receive one point for...
- Every day that you drink 80+ ounces of water (just plain water!!)
- Chiropractic adjustment
- Each night this week that you got at least 7 hours of sleep
- Every day that you keep a food log for me
- Each pound lost
- Running an extra mile after a workout :)

You will receive two points for...
- Each workout you did during the week - you'll provide details about what day, how long it was and what you did for the workout (i.e., ran 3 miles; did strength training; yoga; etc.)

You will receive 5 Bonus Points for...
- Accomplishing all 6 of the "one point" list!

Points must be reported to me weekly - you will receive an email reminder of the deadline. I will keep points tallied weekly throughout the program and prizes will be awarded to the top achievers...and to those who are the most consistent in their workouts, points tracking and participation!

Questions?  Email me at jj_niemann@hotmail.com or call/text 316-371-9020. 

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Today's Tip: Goal Accountability Check!

A few days ago I encouraged you to make goals for this year.  I know a lot of you checked the blog and at least read what I suggested, so today is your accountability check!  Did you sit down for a few minutes and do it? Did you take time to ponder what you want to do this year?  If not, what is holding you back?

Maybe you haven't had time, or perhaps you aren't sure where to start.  This morning I read a note a friend sent me which said sometimes we are afraid to set goals because we think we will fail, so we just bail on writing anything down in the first place.  It cautioned against letting 2014 define you, and against allowing 2015 to taunt you.  If you didn't successfully pull off all your goals in 2014, don't let that keep you from moving forward!  I tell my clients, "every day is a new day...every meal is a new meal." If you fell off track in accomplishing your goals, then get yourself up, get out a new piece of paper and start again.

It is also great if you have a trusted friend who will help you set your goals.  I met a friend yesterday who helped me talk through my thoughts and get some things on paper.  It was fun to help her too!  If you need a partner for your fitness goals, I would be happy to help you get those down on paper.

Get those goals set today!!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Today's Tip: Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2015!  Have you started thinking about your goals for this year?  Whether you call them New Years' Resolutions or goals, it's important to set some and then get them down on paper.  So! Here's what I want to encourage you to do over the next couple of days.

1) Today - take a few minutes to think about some goals for the next year.

2) Today - write down the goals that come to mind.  Write them ALL down.

3) Tonight - sleep on it.

4) Tomorrow - take another look at your list.  Read the goals out loud.  Yes, OUT LOUD.

5) Tomorrow - prioritize the goals.  Cross a few off if they don't sound right for you this year.

6) Tomorrow night - sleep on it.

7) Sunday - read through your goals again. Read them out loud again.

8) Sunday - finalize your top 2-3 goals for the year.

9) Sunday - list 2-3 action items under each goal.

10) Monday - START YOUR 2015 JOURNEY!!

If any of your top goals are related to fitness and nutrition, you will want to stay tuned!  On January 12 I will be kicking off a 2015 Healthy Lifestyle Challenge, as well as introducing my new website.  I'll be sending our information on the challenge over the next 7-10 days so you can find out how to get involved!