Monday, July 29, 2013

Today's Tip: Boosting the Burn!

When I was in my early 20's I was a runner. I ran about 30 miles a week, but that was the extent of my exercise.  After I began to see a trainer I was introduced to strength training and learned how being stronger led to me being a better runner, and I was much, much healthier overall.  I also began eating more protein and whole grains, but I'll leave that conversation for another blog :).

So hopefully you are also incorporating strength training into your exercise routine. If not, go back to some of the workouts I have posted on my blog!  But if you are, here's a tip or two about boosting the burn in your workouts.

1) Slowly increase the weight you are lifting.  If you started out using 4lb weights for those shoulder presses, increase to 6lb after a couple of weeks.  Then go for 8lb and continue until you get to the goal weight you want to use.

2) Add one more set.  If you usually do two sets of your strength exercises, speed the up a bit and add a 3rd set.  As you get stronger and in better shape, you'll be able to reduce the rest time in-between your sets.

3) Increase the number of reps.  If you typically do 8 reps, go for 10 and then increase to 12 over the next few weeks.  Don't let the exercise get easy! If it's easy then you are cheating your muscles out of their potential growth. I like to keep my clients a little bit sore...keep those muscles guessing and growing!

To increase the calorie-burn during your strength workouts, you can always add some cardio in-between sets.  Do 1 minute of jump rope, rest 20 seconds and do another minute.  Or, do 10 burpees in-between sets, rest 20 seconds and do 20 more.  Also, doing upper and lower body exercises at the same time will elevate your heart rate.  For instance, do a squat holding dumbbells by your sides then as you stand, do a bicep curl. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Workout of the Week: Boot Camp!

Boot Camp Workout

This boot camp workout leads you through 10 high intensity strength and cardio exercises designed to challenge your strength and endurance while burning lots of calories. The workout moves quickly, taking you from one exercise to the next with little or no rest. Take breaks when you need to, but your goal is to keep your heart rate up!  Many of these moves are advanced, so modify whenever necessary to stay safe and avoid injury.

Equipment Needed
Dumbbells, an exercise ball, a medicine ball and a mat. You can also do this workout without any equipment. How To:
  • Warm up with 5-10 minutes of light cardio (walking, marching in place, etc.)
  • Perform each exercise one after the each for 45 seconds, then rest for 15 seconds and move to the next move, modifying as needed.
  • Complete all ten exercises.  Repeat the series 2-3 more times, depending on your fitness level.
  • Cool down with 5-10 minutes of light cardio and stretching
  • Drink water throughout the workout
 Squat Thrusts

Stand with feet together. Squat down and place your hands on the floor next to your feet. In an explosive movement, jump feet backwards into a push-up position, jump feet back between hands and stand up. Perform 10 reps, march in place for a few seconds and repeat 10 more reps.

Slow Pushups
Begin in pushup position on a ball or floor. Perform 4 pushups, abs in and back straight. On the 5th pushup, lower halfway down and hold for 4 counts. Push back up and repeat the series - 4 regular pushups and 1 half hold. Repeat for 30-60 seconds.

Plyo Jacks

Begin with feet together and jump up, taking feet out to the side while circling arms overhead and land in a squat. Jump up and bring feet back together, circling arms back in. This is just like a slow jumping jack, but really use power when pushing up into the jumps. Repeat for 30-60 seconds.

Walking Lunge
Start at one end of the room, holding weights if desired, and step forward with right leg. Bend both knees to 90 degree angles, lowering body into a lunge (keep front knee behind the toe). Bring the left foot forward and step into a lunge. Continue lunging, alternating legs for 30-60 seconds.

Jumping Jack with Front Kick

Do one jumping jack. After you jump the feet back together, bring the right knee up and snap the foot out in a front kick (don't extend the leg all the way, but keep a small bend in the knee). Do another jumping jack and kick with the left foot. Continue for 1 minutes, alternating jumping jacks and kicks.

Wall Squat With Chest Squeeze

Hold a medicine ball (or just press the hands together if you have no equipment) and slide down the all until your thighs are parallel to the floor while squeezing the ball. Hold this position and keep pressure on the ball as your straighten the arms out in front of you and slowly pull them back in. Repeat the chest squeezes in and out for 30-60 seconds and stand up.

Ski Jumps

Stand with feet together. Bend the knees and jump to the right as far as you can--think of jumping laterally rather than vertically. Land with soft knees and immediately jump laterally to the left. Repeat for 30-60 seconds.

High Jogs
Stand with feet together and hold arms straight out in front of you at mid-torso level. Jog in place, bringing knees high enough that they hit your hands (don't lower hands!). Repeat for 30-60 seconds.

Tricep Dips
Sit on a chair or bench with hands next to the hips. Lift up and take the hips forward, just in front of the bench. Bend the elbows and lower down until elbows are about 90 degrees. Squeeze the triceps to push back up and repeat 30-60 seconds.

Push-Ups/Side Planks
In pushup position (on knees or toes), perform one pushup. As you come up, shift weight to left arm, twist to the side while bringing the right arm up towards the ceiling in a side plank. Lower the arm back to the floor for another pushup and then twist to the other side. Repeat for 30-60 seconds.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Today's Tip: Cook on the Bright Side!

Everything you see these days has a little more color than usual...from neon workout clothes and brightly colored tennis shoes to bright & shiny purses to the welcome change of orange, lime-green and other brighly-colored polos for men.  So while you are adding those pops of color to your outfits, try bringing some into your cooking! 

Carotenoids - antioxidants found in red, orange, yellow & dark green produce - give you an edge in helping stave off the chances of breast cancer.  So perk up your plate with these ideas!

Pump up Breakfast:
Add canned pumpkin to your whole grain waffle or pancake batter, or mix some into your whole grain oats.  When baking, substitute pumpkin for the oil in your muffin mix.

Take a Side Trip:
Add grated carrots to your brown rice or couscous side dish.  Sprinkle them over the just-cooked grains and let stand, covered, for 5 minutes before stirring.

Raise the Taco Bar:
Instead of iceberg lettuce (which really has little or no nutritional value), use shredded kale or grated raw butternut squash or beets in your tacos.  Saute it a bit before putting on your taco if you aren't a fan of the stronger flavors.

Source: Fitness Magazine, April 2013

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Today's Tip: Stand Up!

There are a lot of little things you can do to burn extra calories - or as I like to call it, "bonus time".  You may have heard tips such as choose a parking spot that is a good walk from the door of the store you are going to; take the stairs; or when taking a restroom break, walk to the one that is farthest from your desk or where you are working.  But how about just getting up out of your chair?

Simply standing can burn 1 1/2 times more calories than sitting. If you think about how that adds up over the course of a week, a month, a year - it's a big deal!  There's really no excuse not to do also helps you practice good posture!  But don't panic - you don't have to stand all day long!  Just work on standing more and sitting less :). 

And don't just take my word for it - this is a tip that Jillian Michaels includes in her book "Slim for Life". So whether you are waiting at the doctor's office, making a phone call at work or paying bills, stand up! 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Workout of the Week: Leaner Legs/Cardio Burst/Arm Definers

This week's workout will work every part of your body!  Give this a each exercise for 45 seconds and then rest for 15 seconds in-between each one.  Rest for a full minutes in-between each set.

Set 1 - Leaner Legs

Alternating Step Back Weighted Lunges - (8lb. weights)

Drop Squat Jumps - (no weight – start with feet together and then drop into a low sumo squat – toes turned slightly out)

Around the World Lunge - (lunge forward, side, back – do one leg for half the time then switch to the other leg)

Deadlift - (keep legs straight; start with weights on floor in front of you – bend down and pick up weights, bringing them up and keeping arms straight; do either option shown below)

Pulse Lunges - (step forward into a lunge with one leg, hold that position & pulse for 20 secs; switch sides)

Side Lunge with Rotation – (hold a weight or a medicine ball in front of you, arms bent – lunge to side and hold while you twist to side and back to start; alternate legs)

Set 2 - Cardio Burst
Jump Rope - (not shown - if you don't have a jump rope, just simulate jumping rope)


Jump Wood Chops - (hold weight above head, feet together; jump legs out wide, bringing weight in-between legs)

Screamer Lunges - (start in back lunge and then bring back leg up and jump up as shown)

2 Feet Lateral Hops in Place

Jumping Jacks with front kicks - (do jumping jack and then kick as shown, alternating legs in the kick)

Set 3 - Arm Definers
Tricep Pushups - (on knees)

Bicep curl with one leg up - (switch legs halfway through)

Single Leg Shoulder T’s - (raise arms front and hold for 2 seconds then return to start; repeat)

Trap Push-Ups - (stagger hands as shown with one hand angled a bit to the side - keep elbow in when you do the push-up; switch hands halfway through)

Burpee to Shoulder Press - (hold a weight in each hand and after you stand from the burpee, do a standing shoulder press - no jump)

Alternating High/Low planks every 5 seconds - (start in high plank and hold for 5 seconds; go to low plank and hold for 5 seconds and repeat)


Today's Tip: Easy on the Cheesy!

Did you slice of cheddar cheese has more sodium than a bag of potato chips?  Another stat to consider...30 popular cheeses contain more sodium per gram than salt water does!

Now I am a firm believer in the concept of "everything in moderation" so if you love cheddar, parmesan or pepper jack, then go for it every once in awhile.  But on a regular basis, try subbing Romano for Parmesan, Swiss for Cheddar, or read through the best and worst cheese comparisons below and decide for yourself!

All stats for for 1oz (typically one slice) of cheese.

106 calories; 54 mg sodium; 8g protein

100 calories; 185mg sodium; 6.7g of protein
Whole Milk: 84 calories; 176mg sodium; 6g protein
Part-Skim: 74 calories; 171mg sodium; 7g protein

113 calories; 174mg sodium; 7g protein

98 calories; 245mg sodium; 7g protein

105 calories; 337mg sodium; 6g protein

108 calories; 336mg sodium; 9g protein

116 calories; 416mg sodium; 11g protein

Bottom line?  Read the label of the product to better educate what you are eating.  Also, check the website - it's awesome for checking labels of various foods.  You can even change the serving size to recalculate based on what you need.

Another cheesy tip?  Use 1/2 slice instead of a whole one on your sandwich :).

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Workout of the Week: Treadmill Intervals

Getting on the treadmill over and over can get monotonous!  So this week my suggestion is to change it up and do either walking or jogging intervals on the treadmill.  These workouts may also be done outside rather than on the treadmill, but are sometimes easier to control your speed and incline on the machine. This workout may also be done on an elliptical, bike or stairclimber.  Once you read through it you'll understand the concept and be able to adapt it to a different machine. Not only does this change up your routine a bit, the workout is shorter...workout smarter not longer!

Basically you are doing one minute at each pace, then partway through the workout you'll do 2 minutes per pace. Your heart rate will go up and down, and hopefully the start pace at an 11 minute mile will work. If you find the pace to be too fast, just make the modifications you need. The last few minutes will be challenging as you are increasing the speed by quite a bit more. But you can do anything for a minute! J

Treadmill Jogging Workout
2-minutes warm up – walk/very slow jog
*Minutes 1-2: Walk
Minutes 2-3: 11 min. mile
Minutes 3-4: 10.5 min. mile
Minutes 4-5: 10 min. mile
Minutes 5-6: 9.5 min. mile
Minutes 6-7: 11 min. mile
Minutes 7-8: 10.5 min. mile
Minutes 8-9: 10 min. mile
Minutes 9-10: 9.5 min. mile
Minutes 10-12: 11 min. mile
Minutes 12-14: 10.5 min. mile
Minutes 14-16: 10 min. mile
Minutes 16-18: 9.5 min. mile
Minutes 18-19: 11 min. mile
Minutes 19-20: 10.5 min. mile
Minutes 20-21: 9.5 min. mile
Minutes 21-22: 9 min. mile
Minutes 22-23: 10.5 min. mile
Minutes 23-25: 9.5 min. mile

Minutes 25-30: Cooldown/Stretch          
*NOTE!!  These speeds are the minutes per mile – make sure you are looking at the right thing on your treadmill when you set the speeds.  I don’t know what the speed setting is for an 11-minute mile, so you’ll need to determine that on the machine.

Treadmill Walking Workout

Do a few jumping jacks, jog in place, simulate jumping rope, touch the floor then jump up to touch the sky, do a few squats to get the body warm.
Get on Treadmill:
* Minutes 0-1:  15 min. mile
Minutes 1-2:  14.5 min. mile
Minutes 2-3:  14 min. mile
Minutes 3-4:  13.5 min. mile
Minutes 4-5:  15 min. mile
Minutes 5-6:  14.5 min. mile
Minutes 6-7:  14 min. mile
Minutes 7-8:  13.5 min. mile
Minutes 8-9:  14 min. mile
Minutes 9-10:  13.5 min. mile
Minutes 10-11:  13 min. mile
Minutes 11-12:  12.5 min. mile
Minutes 12-13:  15.0 min. mile & 2% incline
Minutes 13-14:  14.5 min. mile & 2% incline
Minutes 14-15:  14.0 min. mile & 2% incline
Minutes 15-16:  13.5 min. mile & 2% incline
Minutes 16-17:  15.0 min. mile & 3% incline
Minutes 17-18:  14.5 min. mile & 3% incline
Minutes 18-19:  14.0 min. mile & 3% incline
Minutes 19-20:  13.5 min. mile & 3% incline

Minutes 20-21:  14.0 min. mile
Minutes 21-23: Power walk as fast as you can with no incline (try for under 12 minute per mile pace)
Minutes 23-25: Power walk as fast as you can with 3% incline (try for 13 minute per mile pace)

Minutes 27-30: Cooldown & Stretch
*Note!!  These speeds are the minutes per mile – make sure you are looking at the right thing on your treadmill when you set the speeds. 


Monday, July 8, 2013

Today's Tip: Gotta Get this Gadget!

I have to admit, I love kitchen gadgets.  But I only like ones that are actually helpful - not just those that look cool!  One of my go-to favorites is an oil sprayer. 

This gadget is awesome in helping you cook healthier because it allows you to use less oil, thus reducing the calories and fat in your recipes.  And for you environmentally-conscious friends, it is non-aerosol, so it also promotes better health for the environment :). 

Simply add your favorite oil (I recommend olive or grapeseed) and spray on pasta, pizza, salads, veggies, and more. Just fill (it holds 3oz of oil), pump and spray without chemicals or propellants and then refill it again and again. It's great to prep the grill, for sauteing veggies and also basting without brushes.  I have the mister pictured above which I purchased at Bed, Bath & Beyond. Give it a try!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Today's Tip: An Easy Way to Get Your 9 Servings of Fruit & Veggies a Day

Many of you probably know that USDA recommends 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables daily.  So what exactly does that mean?

A) It means AT LEAST 5 servings...
B) It does NOT mean 5 servings of just fruit...

It's pretty easy to get 4-5 servings of fruit...everyone likes to eat apples, oranges, bananas, strawberries, etc.  But do you come close to getting your veggies in each day?  Do you only like carrots so you try to eat as many as you can to get those servings in?  Do you have variety in your fruit choices?  

If you aren't getting your 5-9 servings, I have a really great, easy & tasty suggestion for you to try.  It's one way to get all your vitamins, minerals and VEGETABLES you need in a day and it's called Shakeology.

Yes, I'm getting on a bandwagon for a minute.  Now y'all know that I'm pretty particular about what I eat, and often take more time than I should to make sure I'm eating as natural as I can.  You have probably also noticed that I don't recommend a whole lot of products or supplements, so if I'm making a suggestion, you need to know I have done the research and believe in it.  Kind of like my dad...he doesn't say much so when he does, we all listen! This is the same deal...I don't recommend much so this one is worth looking at.'s the deal.  We all hear a lot about SuperFoods and hopefully you try to incorporate some of those leafy greens, fresh berries and whole grains into your diet.  If you aren't achieving that daily, then seriously considering trying this very powerful SuperFood formula.  Not only will you get a perfect combination of nutrients that you didn't have to figure out on your own, you'll have more energy, reduced cravings and a quick, wholesome meal.

John and I have used Shakeology for 3-4 years - I drink it 5-6 times a week and love it for all the reasons above.  But don't just take my word for it - here is what three other Shakeology-ites have to say about it:

"My husband and I have been Shakeology customers for about 2 1/2 years. While we both have a desire to be healthy, neither one of us is excited or passionate about the planning and research that's involved in a serious diet and exercise regiment. We're busy parents of tweens, and we both have time-consuming careers. With Shakeology, we both know we're starting off each morning with a quick, easy and great tasting nutrient-packed protein. Add in an exercise plan for each of us, and that sets the tone to be healthy for our entire day.  My favorite Shakeology drink includes 4 oz skim milk, 4 oz water, 1/2 banana and 1 tablespoon of PB2 (peanut butter powder). My husband skips the PB2 and tosses in a few frozen blueberries."
"Shakeology fills me up with few calories and keeps me "regular" all while tasting super yummy!"
"Shakeology is yummy, super fast, easy to make, makes a lot, fills me up, stops my cravings and is good for me!"
And may I just add that the 3rd quote came from a long-time friend who has always said that she just doesn't like to "drink" her for her to become a Shakeology fan was a BIG deal in my mind!
So...decide for yourself.  Go to this website, watch the video and give it a try.  And it's low risk...they offer a money-back guarantee so if for some reason it's not your thing, you can get your money back.  Although in all the years I've recommended Shakeology, I've only had one person that it didn't agree with. :)

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Quick, 3-Ingredient Recipe - Great for that 4th of July Cookout!

Pineapple Black Bean Protein Topper

PER SERVING (1/3 cup): 44 calories, 0g fat, 98mg sodium, 10.5g carbs, 2g fiber, 3g sugars, 2g protein -- POINTS® value 0*
Spoon this on top of fish, chicken, burgers...whatever! Flavor + fiber = Happy 4th!

One 20-oz. can pineapple chunks or tidbits packed in juice, drained
One 15-oz. can black beans, drained and rinsed
1 1/2 cups pico de gallo or fresh chunky salsa

Directions: Roughly chop pineapple and transfer to a large airtight container. Add black beans and pico de gallo or salsa. Stir thoroughly. Seal container and refrigerate until chilled. Enjoy!


Workout of the Week!

5 Exercise Rotation: Strength Training & Cardio Combo

Jack & Tire Run Combo - Targets: Shoulders, back, abs, butt & legs
* Stand with feet hip-width apart, arms by sides.  Do 4 jumping jacks.  Follow with 4 reps of high knees.  Repeat 8x total.

Piston - Targets: Arms, abs, butt & legs
* Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand, arms by sides, palms facing in. Lunge back with right leg, bending both knees 90 degrees.
* Stand back up, press up & curl arms up in a hammer curl.  Repeat 10 times on right side then 10 times on the left.

Plank Lunge Row - Targets: Shoulders, back, abs, butt & legs
* Hold 6, 8 or 10lb. dumbbells; get into full push-up position, palms facing each other.
* Lunge left leg forward so that foot lands outside of left hand, knee bent 90 degrees; return to push-up position.
* Row with left arm, bringing elbow up above back.  Do 10 times on left side; repeat 10 times on right for one set.


Squat Pop - Targets: Abs, butt and legs
* Stand with feet together, arms by sides.  Bend elbows, bringing hands in front of shoulders.  Step right foot out to side and lower into a squat, knees bent 90 degrees, keeping knee aligned behind toes.
* Jump up, click heels together in a hop in-between and end in a squat on the left side.  Repeat back and forth 12 times total.

Double-Time Wood Chop - Targets: Shoulders, arms, abs, obliques, butt & legs
* Standing with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, cross 5, 6 or 8lb. dumbbells over each other and hold both with clasped hands in front of hips (beginners, use one dumbbell). Bend elbows to bring weights above right shoulder.
* "Chop" across body, twisting your body and bringing weights across to the opposite side.  Do 10x on right; repeat 10X on left for one set.
Note: Don't use momentum when going across your body!  Use your core/abs to stop the weight on the opposite side.

Repeat entire circuit 3X total.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Today's Tip: Watch Your Back!

Did you know that people who maintain good posture have more energy overall than those who hunch over?  Unfortunately, we slump more than ever, thanks to time spent on cell phones and computers.  So if you are a "slouch" potato, listen up!  Of course you can improve your posture by just standing and sitting up straight, but to help yourself even more here are a couple of tips:

- Taking a Pilates or Yoga class can help perk up your posture
- Sit on a Stability Ball when doing computer work so you use more of your core to keep your back straight.
- Make sure your chair is the right height for your desk/computer. 
- When sitting, keep your feet flat on the floor.
- When standing, keep the majority of your weight on the balls of both your feet.
- Change positions frequently - for every 30 minutes of one position, take a 2-minute break.
- Find a good chiropractor and get regular adjustments.

If you are in the Fresno area and need a good chiropractor recommendation, let me know.  Dr. Chris Long at the Long Family Chiropractic & Wellness Center is awesome!