Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Today's Tip: Roadblocks: What's Holding You Back?

When you start something new - be it a new budget, a career change or working to be more organized - you will inevitably run into roadblocks that threaten to sidetrack you from your yellow brick road (pardon the saying - I'm just trying to get back into the Kansas lingo).  And no doubt, roadblocks are inevitable when you start a new exercise or fitness program - certain things arise that will seem to keep you from exercising regularly and eating right.  But note that I said "seem to"...just as there are roadblocks, there are ways to overcome each one. So whether your biggest challenge is overcoming a past injury or hitting the couch a little too often at home, try these tips to move past your roadblocks:

Identify your trouble spots. Do you have good intentions to exercise but find you’re exhausted at the end of the day? Or maybe you can’t seem to find an activity you like to do, or one that works for your body. Be specific about what your biggest challenges are—because next, you’re going to find ways to overcome them.

Remove those roadblocks. Look at each roadblock and come up with two ideas for tackling it. No time? Make a schedule for the week and I guarantee there are a few blocks of 30 minutes where you can fit in exercise.  Too tired? Make a plan to go to bed earlier and get your needed rest.  Chances are, when you exercise you will have MORE energy. If you are sitting on the couch watching tv every evening for an hour then sure you are going to be tired. Have young babies or toddlers?  Find a way to exercise with them.  Talk to your spouse or older kids and ask them to help you find a couple of 30-minute windows to exercise during the week. If this is you, then you need that 30 minutes of alone time!!  Not sure what to do?  Call a friend, get on a blog, download the Nike training app, or email me!  There are resources.

If you hit a roadblock, get back on track. Give yourself credit for trying to move more, and if you run into a roadblock on one day, simply dust yourself off and get up and go the next day! Every day is a fresh chance to do your best.  I tell my clients, "every day is a new day, every meal is a new meal" - don't let a weak moment eliminate the good you have planned.

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