Monday, December 8, 2014

Today's Tip: 'Tis the Season...for Grazing!

Last night was my first holiday party of the season and of course, one of the BEST parts of a holiday party is the food table!  I love tasting all the yummy things everyone brings to share, because you know if someone if bringing something to a party, it's sure to be good :).

That being said, the food table can also be the enemy to clean eating.  Notice I said "CAN BE" not "IS ALWAYS".  The food table at a party does not have to be your nemesis if you have a clear mindset of how you are going to manage it.  Yes, it can be managed.

1) DON'T GRAZE.  There is absolutely no way for you to judge how much you are eating if you just stand and graze.  Tip Number One is to serve a plate rather than stand at the table talking to friends and just grazing.

2) BE DELIBERATE.  You know what you like and you also know what you eat just because it's there.  Don't feel like you have to take some of everything - serve yourself the things you know you really like.  I'm not saying you shouldn't try some new things, but if you see something that isn't on your top 10 holiday treat list, give it up for something else that is.

3) EAT SLOWLY.  Enjoy every bite and let your taste buds savor everything on your plate.  Let your belly fill up slowly so you can adequately determine if you really want to go back for seconds or not.  There's probably a dessert table, so why not save your second trip for that?

4) DRINK WATER.  Be sure to keep yourself hydrated and don't mistake hunger for thirst.  Drink water on the way to the party and drink it throughout the evening, particularly if adult beverages are being served! 

Make up your mind now to manage this holiday season differently than you have in the past.  Set some "party goals" and remember the advice your mother always told you - "your eyes are bigger than your stomach".

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