Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Today's Tip: What is Your Body Type and What Balance of Foods Does it Need?

When I was getting my personal training certification I learned about three different body types and how each type processes foods differently.  The three types are: ectomorphs, mesomorphs & endomorphs. Bet you can't wait to figure out which one you are so you can tell people "hey, I'm an ectomorph - how about you?"!

 Ectomorphs are naturally thin with skinny limbs; mesomorphs have athletic, muscular builds and endomorphs have naturally broader and thicker builds. The better you understand the characteristics of your body type, the better you will be able to optimize energy and avoid storing excess fat.

Typically, ectomorphs have fast metabolic rates and process carbohydrates for energy very efficiently. If you are an ectomorph your goals should include gaining muscle and strength, especially in the limbs. Ectomorphs should consume more carbohydrates due to their fast metabolic rates and difficulty gaining muscle mass. A suggested range of 55% of the diet should come from whole grain/complex carbohydrates, 25% protein and 20% fat. This helps ectomorphs to maintain strength and bodyweight during both high volume and endurance exercise. Ectomorphs process carbohydrates most efficiently during and after activity or exercise.

Mesomorphs tend to have naturally high levels of testosterone and growth hormone. Typical goals include exercises to enhance their athletic performance (focusing on a particular sport, perhaps), keeping body fat low and maintaining muscle mass. Mesomorphs generally have a more balanced diet because they have a moderate carbohydrate tolerance and build muscle easily. A mesomorph diet should contain 30% protein, 40% whole grain/complex carbohydrates and 30% healthy fats.

Slower metabolic rates and sensitivities to insulin are typical of endomorphs (insulin sensitivity is a term used to describe people who require relatively normal or low levels of insulin to process glucose). Losing body fat is typically the primary goal for this body type and fat is generally carried in the abdominal and lower back region. Because endomorphs have sensitivities to insulin, they benefit from a lower carbohydrate diet with an emphasis on healthy fats. Eating 25% complex carbohydrates, 35% protein and 40% healthy fats suits this body type and helps prevent fat storage. Endomorphs have the lowest carbohydrate tolerance and should only consume starchy (whole grain) and non-sugary carbohydrates after exercise to optimize fat loss.

Over the next three days I will go into more detail about specific foods for each body type.  So if you are an ectomorph, tomorrow you should tune back in! :)

Source: ISSA certification materials; Dr. John Berardi, fitness & nutritional science consultant for University of Texas.



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