Friday, February 1, 2013

Today's Tip: High-fructose corn syrup vs. sugar...

Myth: High-fructose corn syrup is worse for you than sugar.

The real deal: It's been blamed for America's obesity crisis, but experts say that high-fructose corn syrup doesn't pave the way for weight gain any more than other sweeteners do. From a biochemical standpoint, it's no different from sucrose (found naturally in fruits & vegetables), or table sugar. It has the same number of calories, and the body processes both of them the same way.

High-fructose corn syrup is extremely cheap, so manufacturers add it to countless products in place of sugar or other sweeteners. As a result, Americans are overall consuming more of the sweet stuff than ever before. The bottom line?  It's not corn syrup's's ours. Whatever form sugar is in, simply limit your consumption of all added sugar, which can appear on labels as "dextrose," "maltose," "beet sugar," and "fruit juice concentrate." And don't just substitute artificial stuff for sugar, like Splenda.  Go for the natural sweeteners such as Truvia, stevia, honey or agave syrup.

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