Monday, March 4, 2013

Tips for your Fast-Food Trips!

You can probably guess that I'm not much of a fast-food fan...but sometimes it's a necessity to grab lunch when you are out and about.  To help you make the best choices, here are some tips to help keep you from over-doing it at the drive-thru!

1. Think before you order. You'd do a little research before buying a new couch, right?  Get online and Bing or Google your restaurant/meal for need-to-know stats.

2. Value menus aren't valuable to your waistline. Don't just get it because it's cheap and easy to order; you'll regret it. And bigger pants cost more in the long run...

3. Salad isn't always the best pick. The dressing, the cheese, the croutons...don't assume the word "salad" or "greens" makes it "safe."

4. The fries? They have more calories than you think. Even a super-measly small order averages 300 calories and 14g fat. If you're putting together a low-calorie meal, they should not be included.

5. LOOK OUT for mayo! Seriously, mayo or whatever "special sauce" they offer can sink even the most friendly grilled hamburger or chicken sandwich. And it isn't always listed, so say, "Hold the mayo/special sauce," just in case.  Ask for mustard instead. 

6. Beware of the limited-time-only offers. The nutritional stats are often unavailable (how convenient). That special super-stacked sandwich? It's not worth it.

7. Chicken and fish aren't smart if they're fried.  The menu often asks if you want it breaded & fried or grilled...duh.  Order it grilled...and if you can't get them to grill your fish, go with chicken or the burger.  And I know for many people a burger isn't a burger without cheese...but if you can do without the cheese you'll cut way back on the fat & calories.  Or what I often do is pull half the cheese off my burger or ask them to use 1/2 slice.  They may give you an odd look, but hey -

8. Don't stress too much or feel bad if your meal isn't as healthy as you'd like. Hey, stopping for fast food is hard to avoid sometimes! Just do the best you can.

Also, many restaurants are now offering a "healthier choices" menu.  Make up your mind before you go that you will be ordering off the new menu.  Give healthier food a chance!  I guarantee you'll feel better the rest of the day because you made good choices. 

Adapted from

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