Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Today's Tip: Tired of getting sick? Find out where the germs are in your house...

Kitchen Sponges
If you use a sponge, pop it in the microwave for two minutes every day and be sure to replace them every two weeks. Best plan? Toss the sponges and use a dishrag you can throw into the washer instead.

Toothbrush Holder
If you use a toothbrush holder and it's machine washable, throw it in the dishwaswher weekly, or  scrub it with soap and hot water once a week. And hopefully you have figured out to move it to an area out of reach from the toilet. :)

The computer keyboard, remote control & phones...lots o' germs! Not only do your own hands have germs, but think about how many people share these devices. The best thing you can do to keep your electronics clean is to wash your hands often!! Use sanitizing wipes to clean the keyboard and controllers at least once a week -- more often if someone in your house is suffering from a cold or allergies.

Cutting Boards
Throw your cutting boards into the dishwasher after using them, or spray with a disinfectant or vinegar & then hand wash in hot, soapy water. ALWAYS have separate boards for veggies and meat.

Knobs, Handles & Light Switches
Use sanitizing wipes on all knobs and handles at least once a week, more often if someone is sick. Periodically wipe down the light & disposal switches as well. To clean stove knobs, remove them once a week and wash them in hot, soapy water. 

Reusable Grocery Bags
Don't just throw these in the washer when you set them down in the mud...wash them often, especially if they held raw/fresh meat or veggies & fruit. 

Yes, this dark, damp item can house bacteria which then leads to mold & mildew.  Run 3-4 cups undiluted vinegar through the machine (or follow the manufacturer's instructions) once a month & let stand for 30 minutes.  Then run 2-3 cycles of clean water through until the vinegar odor is gone.

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