Monday, April 21, 2014

Today's Tip: What to do The Day After...all that Easter Candy!

Yesterday was a great day - I love Easter!  Many people love this holiday for different reasons.  If you are my daughter Hillary, she loves Easter because it means she gets to start wearing her white sandals.  To me it is the dawn of fresh start opportunities...SPIRITUALLY, thanks to our Lord Savior Jesus Christ; MENTALLY, thanks to the promise of spring and more sunshine if you live where it's winter for a LONG TIME; and PHYSICALLY, thanks to all that candy! Yes, I said THANKS to all that candy!

Yes, I thoroughly enjoyed some of my favorites in my kids' Easter baskets like Skittles, Reese's and flavored Tootsie Rolls - thank goodness for mini-sizes!  If you too overindulged yesterday on a few treats, let's talk about what to do THIS week.

First, it's OKAY to splurge on a special day!  There's nothing wrong with a day of indulgence, and taking a "day off" can actually accelerate your fat burning over the days that follow. the same time, it's very important that you get back on track the next day because what tends to happen? That "one day" turns into 2...3...or even a full week of "dietary deviance"!

So what to do now? Well, it's pretty simple...get back to "clean" eating.  Notice I didn't say "perfect" or "diet" - just basic clean eating.  Eat your vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, good fats and target eating your complex carbs early in the day. 

If you have a busy week and aren't sure how you are going to get in all your veggies and fruits, maybe this is the time for you to try Shakeology. Drinking Shakeology for at least one of your meals every day gives you the assurance that you are getting all the nutrients you need for your body.  Take a look at a video or two at  Not sure you'll like it and don't want to risk spending the money?  I understand.  No worries though - they offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, even if the bag is empty. 


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