Monday, April 28, 2014

Today's Tip: 3 Reasons why I have Energy every day

Most people who know me, know that I operate at a pretty high energy level every day. No, it doesn't come "naturally", or even easy!  Just like you, I have to work to slay the monster on a regular basis - that monster of Exhaustion.

Do you feel like you are just getting through the day, hoping not to crash and burn before you can get horizontal at night? The reality is, if we want to keep up with our daily choices (yes, they are OUR choices), then we need to do everything in our power to fuel ourselves with maximum energy every day.  Notice that I said "maximum energy" - I can't do all that I do with just "normal" energy - I need the maximum I can get!

My day isn't anything spectacular - nothing too terribly different than many of you.  I manage a household that includes a husband who travels a good bit and 3 kids ages 14, 12 & 9...I work part-time doing personal and group training out of my home...I volunteer at church and school...I cook healthy meals most every day...among other things that aren't "regularly scheduled" items.  But whether you are a parent or not, you probably also know that monster all too well.

So how do I do that?  Here are three reasons that I know give me maximum energy...

1) I wake up early.
Okay, so gaining energy by waking up early may sound like an oxymoron to you, but for me to get up before my kids do gives me that peace to start the day without total craziness.  If I start the day in a mad rush, then that's pretty much a guarantee as to how the rest of the day will go.  I also get all my ducks in a row the night before - I plan my workout & lay out my workout clothes, I set out my clothes for the day and I decide what we are having for breakfast. 

I get up around 5:30am; I start my day with a workout and then some quiet time with my Bible, or vice versa.  Having that "me time" makes me a better wife/mom/friend/person (note I said "better" - not perfect!).  It's still likely that interruptions may come later in my day, but getting my thoughts together early prepares me to deal with them better than letting them deal with me!

2) I limit my caffeine intake.
Yes, I love my coffee and have 2-3 cups every morning!  After I've showered and as I am helping the kids get their breakfast, one of the best parts of my day is that first sip of freshly brewed coffee. However, I seldom if ever drink my coffee before downing at least 25oz of plain water first.  It's not hard for me to do since I workout early and need that water!

Seriously, starting your day with a huge Starbucks in the morning will just lead to crashing later in the day.  Now I love my Starbucks but I manage it rather than it managing me.  And I do think it's fine to have a Starbucks treat - like a latte or mocha - but only in moderation.  I won't even start on the sugary, chemical-filled drinks that promise all-day energy but are full of toxins and artificial junk.  If you love coffee like I do, drink your couple of cups in the morning and then if you need a little pick-me-up in the afternoon, go for a green tea!

3. I have Shakeology at least 6 days a week.
You've heard me say this before, but I think one of my best weapons against fatigue is Shakeology.  I drink it for breakfast or an afternoon snack 6 days a week and it truly gives me energy and stamina to face the challenges of the day.  It doesn't provide me energy through caffeine or any artificial's just full of all natural nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Now I do get my full servings of fruits and vegetables every day even without Shakeology, but if you don't, then you REALLY need a serving of this every day! 

I also have a friend who drinks Athletic Greens every day for energy.  This is another way to get natural energy - it also has many nutrients that you might not be getting during your day. Now I do like the taste and texture of Shakeology better than Athletic Greens, but that might offer you variety if you don't want to drink the same thing every day!

So why do I drink it just 6 days a week?  What about that 7th day?  Well, I have a free day every week and so tune in later this week to read what exactly I eat on a free day!

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