Thursday, February 21, 2013

Today's Tip: Diet & Exercise Suggestions for Ectomorph Body Types


So let's Ectomorph body type is one that can be deemed as "skinny" - people who are naturally thin and have skinny limbs. Ectomorphs have a hard time gaining weight and muscle, & tend to lose weight when they don't workout. Despite many people wishing they looked like them, to an ectomorph it isn't that great. Ectomorphs are just as self conscious when it comes to weight as overweight people because people who are too skinny feel they do not have an attractive appearance. Many people who aren't aware of an ectomorph's metabolism believe that the person is anorexic.

The best exercise plan for an ectomorph body type is one that builds body weight and muscle mass. To reverse the effects of being skinny and having trouble building muscle, ectomorph body types should go on a higher-carb diet plan, and include more protein in the diet, as protein is the building block for muscles.

Exercise Tips
Ectomorphs need workout routines that involve weight lifting, as well as squats, pull ups, and push ups to build muscle and tone areas. Workout five days a week and change your exercises everyday, because if you consistently do the same workout, your body will become immune to it...eventually the exercise will become ineffective and you will stop gaining muscle mass. Workout for about 30 minutes to an hour and limit your total cardio workouts because those will cause you to become skinnier. A good rule of thumb is to do a combination of 2-3 exercises per body part, consisting of 3-4 sets of each, with 6-10 repetitions for maximum and lasting effect. Opt for heavier-weight workouts where all the muscles are used and exercised, often and intensely so. To get in your cardio, do short bouts of high intensity exercise in-between your muscle building exercises.

Maybe your are an ectomorph in certain areas of your body - for example, you can't gain muscle in your arms but your legs tone fairly easily.  Thus, you should train for specific body parts. The exercises for back are dead lifts, chins, pull downs, and hyperextensions. Exercises for chest are heavy barbell bench presses, pullovers and flyes. Exercises for arms are standing triceps presses, curls, dips, and triceps extensions. Exercises for shoulders are heavy upright rows, shrugs, dumbbell presses, front raises and lateral raises. Exercises for legs are squats, lunges and leg presses.

Diet Tips: 
Alongside a good muscle-building exercise routine, an ectomorph diet plan is one with the right combination of proteins, complex carbohydrates and moderate fats. Proteins are scientifically proven to help grow muscle mass. Eat lots of protein rich foods like fish, lean meats, eggs, turkey, chicken and of course protein shakes. Proteins are essential for the basic building block of your body and will help you put on that lean muscle everyone wants.

You need more good carbohydrates to increase your calorie intake. Stick to complex carbs like brown and/or Jasmine rice, quinoa, bulgur wheat, whole grain pastas & breads, yams and sweet potatoes. After a workout you should consume whole fruits and other natural, more sugary carbs which are fast acting, and will combine with your insulin and energize the anabolic recovery of your muscles.

Another often over-looked nutrient is fats.  These are important for lubricating your body's cells, making your hair and skin soft, and, most important to ectomorphs, helping regulate testosterone levels for muscle growth. Stay away from saturated fats as they cause health related problems - focus instead on good fats. Put some oily fish (such as salmon), avocados, flax seed oil, nuts and eggs into your diet. A combination will help you put on muscle mass along with your workout routine.

Some eating tips:
  1. Eat more calories than you burn.
  2. Eat six smaller meals throughout the day with a gap of two hours as it keeps constant supply of fuel to your muscles.
  3. Increase protein and carbohydrates (grains, granola, nuts, and dried fruits). Eat about one gram of protein for every pound you weigh.
  4. Drink plenty of water so that your muscles stay hydrated.
  5. Include trans-fats.
  6. Beware of empty, hidden calories (chips, candy, products with added sugar, certain cereals, high sugar sports drinks, soda, fast food).
  7. Avoid fried foods and skipping meals.
  8. Get enough rest!
Good luck, ectomorphs!  And if you need addtional help with your diet or exercise, let me know.

Sources: ISSA Training Materials;; Roy Dale, fitness writer

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