Friday, February 22, 2013

Today's Tip: Diet & Exercise Suggestions for Mesomorph Body Types

So let's review...the mesomorphs have athletic, muscular builds. They generally have a more balanced diet because they have a moderate carbohydrate tolerance and build muscle easily.
Male mesomorphs have rectangular bodies, while females have an hourglass shape. Other key attributes include thicker skin, good posture and a solid frame. Due to their overall musculature and lower body fat, mesomorphs make excellent bodybuilders.

Exercise Tips:
Mesomorphs should emphasize weight training over cardiovascular workouts, using moderate to heavy weights, and being careful not to train too much. If you enjoy swimming, running or other cardio workouts, limit these activities to three days a week at well under an hour each.

Having a mesomorph body type doesn't mean you will never have excess fat.  It does mean, however, that if you are currently flabby and frustrated with your fatty bits and lack of muscle tone, any real effort a male or female mesomorph puts into a decent diet and exercise routine is going to reap you excellent fat loss benefits. This is because mesomorphs lose fat more readily and gain muscle mass (lean or bulky) with much more ease than ectomorphs (hard-gainers) and endomorphs. The main challenge for a mesomorph in losing fat and getting a truly solid and shapely body is MOTIVATION – the right mindset for success with the right diet and workout routines to lose fat and gain muscle mass.  If this is your type, once you get moving on your well planned diet and exercise routine, you will do very well very quickly.
The female mesomorph seeking lean muscle tone while losing fat should focus on using light weights with plenty of repetitions. A total body workout routine 3 times a week that changes every 2 to 3 months is ideal to develop muscle tone and lose fat. A male mesomorph looking for a chunky muscular body shape gets best results from heavier weights with fewer reps.  Another good tip: make an effort to keep your body guessing when it comes to your workouts.  For example, change the numer of repititions you perform & the types of exercises you do in the weight room.  This can help you gain more muscle & lowers your injury risk.

Diet Tips:
A mesomorph diet should contain 30% protein, 40% whole grain/complex carbohydrates and 30% healthy fats. Experts recommend that mesomorphs eat five to seven meals daily. Adequate protein consumption is essential, especially for more active people. Mesomorphs should consume 1.5g of protein per pound of body weight. They should also eat a higher proportion of carbohydrates to protein, choosing protein sources like fish, chicken & lean red meat.  Mesomorphs looking to gain lean muscle mass must take care to eat more calories and a higher amount of protein, even on day they do not exercise.

Mesomorphs looking to lose weight should strive to eat smaller meals more frequently. This will cause a feeling of fullness that will help them eat less, and will also help keep insulin levels steadier. On the contrary, eating big meals at infrequent intervals can trigger insulin spikes, causing your body to store calories as fat.

When you eat carbs, eat them only at specific meals, directly after training (post-workout) and at breakfast. At the remaining meals, substitute green vegetables and fruits as your carbohydrates, and focus on high-fiber items that will further increase satiation.  Eating low-glycemic carbs (cherries, apples, apricots, grapefruit, oranges, plums, zucchini, lettuce, green beans, celery, cucumbers, yams, artichokes, whole grains & dairy products) will aid muscle gain and fat loss.

Good luck mesomorphs! 




  1. Great post, I'm finally focusing on what works for my body type instead of what works for everyone else.

  2. Excellent! I'll follow these tips!

  3. Wow! Thanks so much for this! About to start Les Mills Pump by Beachbody and am highly encouraged after reading what type of exercise is most effective for mesomorphs! Good to know, too, I don't eat enough...could be what's been stalling my weight loss. Great post! Thank you!!

  4. Amazing post, after struggling to find something for me I can finally find what works for my body and funny this is what I used to do naturally a while back and I dropped sizes like crazy

  5. Thank you so much for the tips... ill use it for my loss weight plan.. :D

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