Thursday, April 4, 2013

4th & Final Spring Cleaning Food Tip of the Week: 9 Foods to Include ASAP!

Eggs - Besides delivering six grams of protein for just 72 calories, eggs have been shown to lower levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin...aka, they help keep you full longer.  I often scramble one egg & two egg whites to enjoy alongside my whole grain English muffin.

Almonds - Almonds have fewer calories -- just 129 per one-ounce handful -- than any other kind of nut.  I'm not a big raw almond fan myself, but my hubby enjoys a few mixed with some craisins and a few dark chocolate Hershey morsels.

Pears - Pears are one of the best sources of soluble fiber, which reduces belly fat.

Avocados - The heart-healthy fat, fiber & protein found in this fruit helps stabilize blood sugar levels, so you don't go from full to famished an hour after eating. Plus avocados are packed with potassium, a mineral that banishes bloat by helping prevent fluid retention.

Chickpeas - These are packed with resistant starch, a type of carb that could help you blast up to 23 percent more fat. They are yet another food that helps you feel full longer so start dipping those veggies in some hummus!

Quinoa - This seed has a low ratio of carbs to protein, which takes more energy to digest, enabling your body to torch calories in the process. It's also low on the glycemic index, meaning it won't cause hunger highs and lows. Thanks to a friend I have the bomb of a quinoa salad recipe...if you want it let me know!

Spinach - Need to increase your water intake?  Water accounts for 92 percent of spinach's weight so it's no wonder an entire bunch has just 78 calories. Add it to soups, stir-fries, and egg dishes to pump up your portion size.

Salmon - Omega-3 fatty acids, found in salmon, keep bad moods at bay. These acids can also suppress your appetite and help your body burn fat instead of storing it.

Red Meat - Lean red meat is an excellent source of vital minerals like zinc, iron, and magnesium. In meat, these minerals exist in a form that is much easier for the body to absorb compared to the minerals in grains. The protein in beef provides plenty of building blocks for our body, ensuring strong, lean muscles and healthy hormones.

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