Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Today's Tip: Reason #2 that Scale might not be moving!

You Skimp on Protein

Several studies show that high-protein diets result in more pounds shed, at least initially. Protein enhances the feeling of satiety and prevents losing muscle as you lose fat. Also, higher-protein diets make you burn slightly more calories because your body expends more energy to metabolize protein than carbs or fat.  This is called dietary thermogenesis, which is the energy you burn to process and use the food you eat.

So how much protein do you need a day?  Well, it depends on your weight and how much you exercise.  According to the Institute of Medicine, the average healthy adult requires 0.36g of protein per pound of body weight per day.  So for example, if you weigh 150 lbs., you would need 54g of protein a day.  However, if you are a regular exerciser, you need closer to 0.5g of protein per pound, and for endurance training athletes, closer to 0.8g per pound.

So how do you get 40-80 grams of protein a day?  Here are some ideas...

6 oz. Greek yogurt - 16 grams
large Egg - 9 grams
4 oz. lean beef - 21-28 (most cuts of lean beef have about 7g of protein per ounce)
4 oz. lean poultry - 20-25 grams
4 oz. fish - 22 grams
1/4 oz serving Quinoa - 6 grams
Heaping helping of black beans - 15 grams
Heaping helping of lentils - 18 grams
Handful of raw almonds - 6 grams

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