Saturday, May 11, 2013

Today's Tip: Reason #3 You Might Not Be Losing Weight

You Sit at a Desk All Day
So maybe you log a solid hour of exercise almost every day, but outside of that, is your time mostly spent sitting in front of a computer?  Unfortunately, research finds that dedicated workouts simply can't compensate for being sedentary the rest of the time. According to one University of Missouri-Columbia study, sitting for just a few hours causes your body to stop making a fat-inhibiting enzyme called lipase. Getting up and walking for just two minutes during each of those hours burns an additional 59 calories a day, according to recent research from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Sometimes you get so involved in your work you might lose track of time & before you know it you have sat in one spot for 3 hours! So consider setting a timer on your computer to remind you to move every hour. Or, I have friends who have also had luck with the Fitbit One ($100, Clip this device to your waistband 24-7, and don't go to bed until you've logged 10,000 steps a day. To accomplish that, you will need to heed some of those recommendations we've all heard a million times such as take the stairs instead of the elevator, park far away from the door of whatever store you are visiting, or even jog in place while reading an email. So what if your family laughs at you at first!  Soon seeing you hopping around the living room will strike them as normal. Make walks part of your family's evening routine, and "How many steps do you have now?" might become the new "Are we there yet?"

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