Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Commit To Be Fit Workout of the Week #1

This is a very basic strength training workout.  You can add 5 minutes of cardio in-between the sets and again at the end if you want to rev it up a bit.  Also, I'm planning to include photos beginning with next week's Workout of the Week but if you need pictures to go with these exercises, send me a message!

30 seconds each: jog in place; jumping jacks, jump rope (if you don’t have one just simulate jumping rope); butt kicks. Repeat this twice at a faster pace each time and then stretch.

Squats – Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Slowly squat like you are about to sit in a chair. Come all the way back up to standing & lift arms overhead. Do 10 reps. (2nd rotation: add 4-6 lb. weights)

Lunges – Stand with feet shoulder width apart and take a small step forward with right leg. Bring right leg back to standing. Take a small step back with right leg and come back to standing. Alternate with left leg and do 10 total (right then left equals one). (2nd rotation: add 4-6 lb. weights)

Reach for the sky – Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Squat down, touch the floor and then stand up on tip-toes & reach for the sky. Repeat 10 times. (2nd rotation: jump after touching the floor to reach for the sky)

Horizontal Plank – Get into plank position (hands under shoulders, legs extended, feet hip-width apart, back straight, abs engaged). Slowly lift left arm straight out to the front at shoulder height, keeping hips & core still. Lower arm. Do 5 reps on the right & then 5 on the left. (2nd rotation: lift arm out to the front then to the side then back to front then back to plank; try adding 4 lb. weights)

V-ups – Lie faceup on the floor with legs together, toes pointed & arms extended overhead by ears, hands stacked. Engage abs & lift both legs & shoulders to a “V” position. Do 10 reps. (2nd rotation: hold “up” position for 5 seconds then return to start. If this bothers your neck, do not raise legs or head as far)

Glute Bridge – Lie faceup on the floor with arms by sides, knees bent & feet flat on the floor. Engage abs & glutes & slowly press hips up toward the ceiling, keeping shoulders on the ground. Hold for 3 counts & lower. Do 10 reps. (2nd rotation: as you push your hips up, lift one leg to the sky and back down)

Do all 6 exercises and then repeat. As you feel comfortable, increase your reps by 2 on each exercise.

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