Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Today's Tip: Treadmill vs. Sidewalk...Which is Better for the Knees?

I often get the question, isn't running on a treadmill better for my knees than running outside?

It is a common misconception that jogging on a harder surface such as concrete instead of a rubberized treadmill will jack up your joints and increase the chance of injury.  However, the differences in the peak impact force are relatively small.  To prevent your knees from taking a pounding whether you run indoors or out, the key is to WARM-UP for a few minutes before setting out for your run or getting on the treadmill.

What to do to warm-up? 
1) Walk briskly for 4-5 minutes and then stretch OR
2) Do 30 seconds each of jogging in place, jumping jacks, easy squats, lunge forward alternating legs, lunge back alternating legs, jog in place

Stretch for 2 minutes.

Do 30 seconds of high knees and then head out for your run or jump on your treadmill!

Another tip?  WEAR GOOD SHOES.  If you exercise regularly, check the bottoms of your workout shoes every month.  When they start to get smooth on the bottom or show a lot of wear and tear, replace them!!  Most runners/walkers replace their shoes every 300-500 miles or 6 months.  If it's hard to remember when you purchased shoes, write the date you started wearing them on the inside with a sharpie.  Don't skimp on good shoes...the fastest way to knee and foot problems is buying shoes that are too tight or not supportive enough for what exercise you are doing.

If you haven't replaced your shoes in 5 years that means one or two things...they are REALLY worn out or you haven't been exercising...neither is acceptable :).   

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