Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Today's Tiip: Home, Slim Home!

You may have read that eating at home vs. going out is helpful in managing your weight.  You can control what you serve, as well as how it is prepared.  Those are great ways to help keep your calorie intake in check, but they aren't the only way to drop pounds.

Think about it...it's not just what you eat that affects your weight, but how you eat it.  Seriously!  For example, put your produce front and center.  If you normally put the food on the table at lunch or dinner to serve your family's plates, try serving only the salad and vegetables from the table and leave the meat and grains/potatoes on the stove.  You are more apt to take seconds of what's right there in front of you.

Another idea - if you aren't getting enough servings of fruit, put a bowl out on the counter as opposed to keeping it all in the fridge.  Having it out in front of you can help remind you to take that orange or apple with you on the way out the door for a snack.

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