Friday, June 21, 2013

Today's Tip: Can You Change Your Shape?

So you do your time on the treadmill, lift some weights & maybe even throw in some yoga or pilates for good measure.  But does your regimen include one key element...POWER?  Besides torching extra stored fat and quickly sculpting your muscles, power moves give you a mental edge - both in and out of the gym. 

Trainer/fitness guru Jackie Warner, age 44, is in fabulous shape.  However, she says, "This is not my normal shape - I had to work to change it. Cardio can alter your size, but to change your body shape you have to use resistance training."

Her no-nonsense approach to training is a lot like mine: "It's not how long; it's how strong." Push yourself harder in less time and you'll be more powerful, both mentally and physically.  She also says, "if you're trying to run away from the burn, you're not going to see results. Chase the burn!  Get to it and through it faster and you'll shorten your workout time AND speed up sculpting changes."

If you have ever worked out with me you have done some turbocharged toning...back-to-back strength moves interspersed with cardio bursts.  Jackie calls this "power circuit training" - I didn't realize it had such a catchy name!  I also like to do interval training which change your body quickly and give you a burst of energy. 

What is interval training?  Try this: for 20 seconds jog in place lightly; the next 20 jog a little more aggressively; for the last 20 jog hard with high knees.  Rest for 20 seconds then move onto another interval move such as squat jumps: for 20 seconds squat down and then stand and reach for the ceiling; the next 20 go up on your toes as you reach for the ceiling; the last 20 add a jump as you reach for the ceiling.  Rest for 20 seconds and then move onto another interval move.  If you want a full interval workout tune back in on Wednesday of next week when I will be posting a full interval workout!

Last tip: Face yourself.  Do your strength moves in front of a mirror so you have to focus on what you're doing and make that mind-muscle connection.  Doing the moves correctly certainly contributes to faster muscle growth!

Source: Fitness Magazine, February 2012

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